A downloadable game


Project fire is a prototype of sorts exploring certain aspects of gameplay I want to achieve. As such, it will be in a demo state for a while until enough items and scenes have been made or a full idea can be generated. Don't worry! each update released will slowly expand the demo with neat features as well as improvements to code and performance! whether or not people want to see my building and theory practice is up to them but I'm more than happy to speak about it.

CURRENT DEMO: Enemies on a planet.

growing up with the Wii introduced me to the world of gaming and contains so many gems. One of which is the Super Mario galaxy where Mario must travel through galaxies or planets to save it. One mechanic is enemies on planets and how they chase you. My goal was to look into pathfinding algorithms like A* and implement them into agents which can chase the player of a spherical object... like a Planet!


project fire.zip 29 MB

Install instructions


download the ZIP file and uncompress it. then open the "Project fire" folder and execute the "project--fire.exe" to begin playing.

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